Evaluating student work is one of the most important tasks teachers must perform. Scoring rubrics are tools that help teachers award points to student responses. This lesson focuses on general scoring rubrics, which can be applied across different tasks and assignments.
In this lesson you will be introduced to:
- the importance of scoring rubrics in promoting fairness, focus, and efficiency;
- two uses of general rubrics: scoring significant pieces of student work and guiding the development of item-specific rubrics;
- considerations for the use of general scoring rubrics, including tough score decisions, formative use, and score point range;
- suggestions for teachers and instructional leaders to improve the evaluation of student work using general scoring rubrics; and,
- recommended activities and resources to deepen your understanding and use of general scoring rubrics.
Suggested Resources
- Performance Task Writing Scoring Rubric by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
- Mathematics General Scoring Rubric by the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium
- Classroom Assessment: Supporting Teaching and Learning in Real Classrooms by Catherine Taylor and Susan Nolen (Pearson)
- State assessment websites
Lesson Supplements
- Facilitator Guide to help you build the capacity of others using this video lesson.